赤とんぼデータベース 検索

・No, PostNo, Title, Words, Music, Credit, FileLink, Files, Contents, Comment, Categoryがオプションとして使えます。(例:No:405)

探し場所: ページ別 件ずつ 詞リスト 曲リスト

1件中 1 - 1件目を表示 ( <<前 次>> )

No.25351 ( 詞リスト )
(1) 波打際の鮒野郎くん作詞/279(英作詞/279)1053_481
I Have a stomach ache
Child is born
Child is born
Child is born

I Have a stomach ache
Child is born
Child is born
Child is born

World is over only all day long
Chocolate comes out,Today all night long

Child is born
Child is born
Child is born
Child is born
Child is............