前100 次100 1-100 最新50 スレ一覧 検索

作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [1053スレ]
481以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2013/05/06(月) 23:49:20.67 ID:IQBipPPeP
*波打際の鮒野郎くん 作詞279

I Have a stomach ache
Child is born
Child is born
Child is born

I Have a stomach ache
Child is born
Child is born
Child is born

World is over only all day long
Chocolate comes out,Today all night long

Child is born
Child is born
Child is born
Child is born
Child is............

前100 次100 1-100 最新50 スレ一覧 検索