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作曲できる奴ちょっともう止まらない [1075スレ]
27転載 規制用10スレ [] : 2013/08/12(月) 19:07:48.85 ID:HalegAS20
468 :名無しさん:2013/08/11(日) 01:53:37 ID:nOygb.ic0
*Adolescence       作詞/ものぐさ大臣

You are always.
It only laughs and is in my feeling.
He does not notice.
You are always.
It only cries and is my heart.
Rainy skies.
You are always.
They are my words only angrily.
It is not heard.
You are always.
It only sleeps and is my knife.
Probably, it was painful.

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