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作曲できる奴ちょっと夏休み [1071スレ]
153以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2013/07/20(土) 14:00:45.96 ID:6iP9YUP9P
*All explode 作詞279

What is a leaf? Is the thing which you have a leaf?

Do you like medicine?
It is serious,Please give me,Please give me,Please give me it

What is a leaf? Is it the thing which you obtained?

How long can you feel relieved?
Oh baby,Please give me,Please give me,Please give me

It is happy so as to want to die
It is happy death
weird with wonder (weird with wonder)
weird with wonder (weird with wonder)
“All explode”

What is a leaf? Is the thing which you have a leaf?

Do you like medicine?
It is serious,Please give me,Please give me,Please give me it

It is happy so as to want to die
It is happy death
weird with wonder (weird with wonder)
weird with wonder (weird with wonder)
“All explode”

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