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作曲できる奴ちょっと夏バテ [1070スレ]
184以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2013/07/14(日) 19:12:52.20 ID:9Yk4UKpV0
*Lust murder 作詞:メントスコーラ

Until then, he hated strife.
But I noticed, peace was over.
When you notice, he was loving strife.
Why? But you know even if you do not think it

The captivity, they have been fighting.
That to resist is not allowed, fellow had dying one after another.
And you have to worry about such a thing, next is your turn.
I had forgotten, that to resist.

I should not have a conflict.
Fellow dead, would have thought in what way, that of me?
Their own, even though the wet with blood anymore.
What would I should say?

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