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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [1063スレ]
42以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2013/06/10(月) 22:46:08.22 ID:4BXen+eR0
*Proof of the existence 作詞:メントスコーラ

What is the person born for?
What does the person grow for?
Though it is oneself, I do not understand even it
Then you should find it from now on

Toward the front before you say just simplicity
The Survive without turn away from the fact
And if it does not, why are you living?
We take the past, to advance to the future
And now Survive

Persist in the thought of own without being spread in the behavior person
If oneself is weak, and it is impossible, it should become strong

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