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作曲できる奴ちょっと来て!! [1049スレ]
285転載 規制用9スレ 1/2 [] : 2013/04/20(土) 23:03:13.44 ID:P+4827Fj0
646 :名無しさん:2013/04/20(土) 22:49:14 ID:deQ2CZE.0

*Copy & Paste 作詞:お茶っ葉煩悩ホモレックス

Let's Copy&Paste!
Let's Copy&Paste!

Do'nt worry! Everything is going to be all right!

You could master this magic if you would!

3 2 1 Here we go!!!

1st step!
2nd step!
That's all!!! Yeah!!!

Let's Copy&Paste!
Let's Copy&Paste!

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