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作曲出来るやつちょっと来い [1041スレ]
1371/4 [] : 2013/03/30(土) 05:07:34.63 ID:+rpf5JLE0
:226 名前:名無しさん[] 投稿日:2013/03/27(水) 23:01:47 ID:SrbpE1N60 [1/2]
ミュージカル『RENT』の“seasons of love”的な


*Love of Lifes 作詞/ しめ鯖

Do you know where "LOVE" is?
Do you know where "LOVE" is in life?
Do you know where "LOVE" is?
Can you find,find "LOVE"?

I find me from my dream,get up on the bed,and I think that..
Where is "LOVE" in life?
On desk? On chair? In cup of tea or on commuter train?
In blowing wind? In smell of flowers? In dark?
How do you find,find "LOVE"?
Do you know where "LOVE" is?
Do you know where "LOVE" is in life?

But notice "LOVE" close to you.But notice "LOVE" close to you.
"LOVE" close to you..
There are "LOVE" of lifes.There are "LOVE" of lifes.

Do you know where "LOVE" is?
Do you know where "LOVE" is in life?
Do you know where "LOVE" is?
Can you find,find "LOVE"?

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