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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい(絶叫) [949スレ]
10甜菜 規制用7スレ [] : 2012/02/16(木) 21:05:02.11 ID:JGLrVKo+0
547 :名無しさん:2012/02/14(火) 22:51:40 ID:STPY0Ciw0
*The Only Colored Umbrella in Monochrome(英語Ver.) /あとおとえ

In the forest, blacker shadows increase
In the forest, blacker shadows increase
Snaps of gloomy flowers

In the far sky, the drizzle never stop
In the far sky, the drizzle never stop
Sounds of the last turn

I always think
Did this thought really arise from me?
Does the answer never come and rages in there, forever?

The only colored umbrella in monochrome
The only colored umbrella in monochrome
I'm looking at sky falling down in bullet time

I always think
Who on earth did this thought arise from?
Does the answer never come and rages in there, forever?

Does the dead tree never sound, forever?
And will crumble up?

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