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作曲できる奴ちょっとバナナ [877スレ]
17以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2011/08/30(火) 20:06:09.82 ID:gc1/ddTg0
*I love Banana 作詞コメコメ279

The memory that I spent on a banana
I cannot finish counting it
I cannot finish counting it

The banana which I like most
I want to join with a banana together
Together,oh oh oh

There wants to be me with a banana
I cannot finish counting it
I cannot finish counting it

When there is it with you, I am happy
And it is a pride forever
Forever,oh oh oh

The memory that I spent on a banana
I cannot finish counting it
I cannot finish counting it
I cannot finish counting it
I cannot finish counting it

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