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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい マシンガン [853スレ]
77以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2011/08/02(火) 07:11:50.22 ID:j/xhfXLZ0

You're killing me! Go away, silly person!
Never ever do that again, you hear me?
Don't bother me! Get out of my face!
Get your dick caught in the zipper!

The people at that country are not reflecting
On their actions at all! Get out!
The people at that country are not reflecting
On their actions at all! Fxxk off!

Screeeeeeeeam!! ooooooout!!
Screeeeeeeeam!! ooooooout!!

The people at that country are not reflecting
On their actions at all! Get out!
The people at that country are not reflecting
On their actions at all! Fxxk off!

Screeeeeeeeam!! ooooooout!!
Screeeeeeeeam!! ooooooout!!

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