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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい マシンガン [853スレ]
75以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2011/08/02(火) 06:43:22.23 ID:j/xhfXLZ0
*Ghost in the sunlight

I avoid direct sunlight
Cause my body melts perhaps
And it evaporates
It is likely to wander like the ghost

Lit by glaring fluorescent sunlight
Can barely keep one's eyes open
Lit by glaring fluorescent your smile
Look into each other's eyes

When I become a ghost
Do you notice my existence?
If you cannot see me
Just the thought of it makes me sad

Lit by glaring fluorescent sunlight
Can barely keep one's eyes open
Lit by glaring fluorescent your smile
Look into each other's eyes

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