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作曲できる奴ちょっとこいください [848スレ]
5転載 規制用6スレ [] : 2011/07/23(土) 00:11:23.22 ID:dmMrTHAw0
626 名前:名無しさん[] 投稿日:2011/07/20(水) 19:11:45 ID:tw5O58Fg0
*Vegetarian 作詞279

An animal is killed today in a factory
The manager surely injects it
An animal cries An animal cries An animal cries
An animal cries An animal cries An animal cries

Did you do that an animal was bad?
Don't you want to recognize it?

The animal is killed today by people
The people torment an animal
Natural destruction Natural destruction Natural destruction
Natural destruction Natural destruction Natural destruction

I don't know the true pain
Therefore a heart is even more painful

An animal is killed today in a factory
The manager surely injects it
An animal cries An animal cries An animal cries
An animal cries An animal cries An animal cries
An animal cries An animal cries An animal cries

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