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作曲できる奴ちょっとこいドドンガドン [839スレ]
23以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2011/06/29(水) 14:57:26.84 ID:jzQpF6ow0
*Night 作詞279

I begin with today
Sit on the bench of the park
Smiling together
Then never crying, never crying

Night to turn red and yellow is dear
I want to meet someday, too

I begin with today
Sit on the bench of the park

Night to turn red and yellow is dear
I want to look again sometime

Night to turn red and yellow is dear
I want to meet someday, too

I kiss at the night
when I got twisted up again

I begin with today
Sit on the bench of the park
Smiling together
Then never crying, never crying

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