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作曲できる奴ちょっと半信半疑あっちこっち [831スレ]
89以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2011/06/16(木) 16:59:25.73 ID:u+d6S4ax0
*朝露に濡れる少女 作詞279

The girl who gets wet with morning dew
She wear the clothes of the fairy
She's a fairy
She's a angel

Because you are too pretty, I become a girl
Become the red flower
I'm rebeared

The girl who smiles to morning dew
If she holds the sun, the sky is bluer
She's a fairy
She's a angel

Because she is too dear, I become the beast
Become a black demon
I'm rebeared, I'm rebeared

The girl who gets wet with morning dew
She wear the clothes of the fairy

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