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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [826スレ]
515以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2011/06/07(火) 01:18:21.75 ID:vuZdSZtM0
*MOON SMILE 作詞/かっく

What's up with that face?
Though day does not yet break
Where do you go to?
Though day does not yet break

"My whereabouts isn't here"
Do you intend to never come back?
You went out with only the trunk
Get out of town...oh...

*I had a feeling that the moon to see
 from the window laughed at me
 "Yeah, Right!" and I began to have the car run
 To bring you back To bring you back

There was a fork in the trail
when advancing for a while
I have only two choices Left or Right
Get out of town...oh...


 I had a feeling that the moon to see
 from the window laughed at me
 "Yeah, Right!" and I strongly hugged you
 To bring you back To bring you back

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