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作曲できるやつチョコっと来い [811スレ]
122以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2011/02/15(火) 23:48:32.15 ID:Y91eSzsI0
*通販好きのお姉さん一家 作詞/とんどまーる

She pleaded with me not to go.
I took drugs in my hand,
though the thing she said reached my ears surely.
Somehow she smiled then.
I was taken my breath away,
and I woke up,and I woke up.

The minute I woke up,I noticed a pic.
She in the pic was smiling,just as I feared.
I felt sick.Cause she was smiling,
Cause she was smiling.

However a man said that
she is a female if she is strange.
And he said you should marry her.

So she is my wife now.
Thanks to him and this book,i come to happy!!
Don't you buy!? Don't you buy this book!?

What the fuck! What the fuck!

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