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作曲できるやつちょっと恋心 [810スレ]
272以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2011/02/09(水) 23:30:46.87 ID:kcrDKSQm0
*エセ洋楽 作詞/アセロラ

I'm begin for my long
I'd ever so can gone

Why see be a more to in home
Let's life be a box do in home
Say! Please the bad!!

Have me love way and if when?
Save key back they and one?
They are one?

I'm begin for my lose
I'd never low can phone

By kiss me a or his go left
My sick be a or him no time
May! Just as make!!

Have tea miss way and if when?
Save was kill they and one?
They are one?

Have me love way and if when?
Save key back they and one?
They are one?

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