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作曲できる奴ちょっとタイヤキ [806スレ]
480以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [sage] : 2011/01/30(日) 23:12:58.77 ID:sdJShdNb0
*ROE             作詞/ものぐさ大臣

Don't touch by bare-handed.
It is dangerous.
And dangerous.
So dangerous.

It withers as water is deprived.
Cracks and cracks.
Blood will fill the hand.
Cracks and cracks.

Salty! By the death.
Salty! It so dries.
Salty! Blood overflows.

Cracks and cracks.

Salty! By the death.
Salty! It so dries.
Salty! Blood overflows.

It is dangerous.
And dangerous.
So dangerous.

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