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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [795スレ]
49以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/12/10(金) 00:35:16.71 ID:tBLgpcpI0
*It's All Too Much 作詞279

It's all too much It's all too much
But much one is pleasant
It's all too much

It's all too much It's all too much
But many people are glad
It's all too much

There is a trap
But there will not be the trap
I don't know
But I will know it sometime

It's all too much It's all too much
But much one is pleasant
It's all too much

Let's do it how

There is a trap
But there will not be the trap
I don't know
But I will know it sometime

It's all too much It's all too much
But much one is interesting

Let's do it how

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