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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい てかきてくれ [790スレ]
74以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/11/20(土) 23:24:24.65 ID:o+p1xP0NP
*Deadman's 69 作詞・カリバネム

He visit the town somewhere everyday for a little relief and a little violence
He will rejoice if the flower is there but, There the deadman's 死の園
Beep 響く方 He are led there
Bites tight, makes the die for to criminal
灰充ちloser says "Where do I go?" Answered "I don't know, but you have no 運命"

He's think at every night, about what? he don't know
Repeats many times, repeats permanently
"Are all what?"

Deadman's cry, and kind dark
Endless why? strayer's dusk besides, is nothing in the world

Imaging for your brain, from my spine imprisoned nasty 欲望の片
Lock-out 遥遠 melt to mass 大気 flash back
I'm died on the 閑静なる morning
Dirty 引力 embrace bite is sheer dog 所以 break,
Bad it story bloody mary howling
"Ohhhhhh!!" they is fragment that sometimes 落雷 attacks me zap it
And, you shall die, i'm waiting just time
you wanna live? useless let's snuff time
They is deadman's only work and, the deadman's in the dark

Neither bread nor water are necessary for him
He walks in this world also today, all so that he may continue the dead

Deadman's cry, and kind dark
Endless why? strayer's dusk besides, is nothing in the world

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