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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [785スレ]
471以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/10/14(木) 02:12:06.13 ID:Tkx825jb0


There was a dirty dog on her when I returned
I kicked this dog to the outside of the window
I say "Who is the dog ? What scoundrel is it ?"
You say "As for it, nothing is taught to you"

I left the room immediately
Truth flew in the sky at that time
There are a lot of things which I can break in
the times when a love flies in the sky

Am I corrupt ?
Is God right?

I have to be right ! wow...
It is meaning to live everytime
You are not my God ! wow...
I threw away the words of the oath

The sea is very very very large
But it is not bigger than my stupidity

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