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作曲できる奴ちょっとこいにゃんにゃん [782スレ]
46以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/09/30(木) 01:23:52.32 ID:Nj3Y06p90
*last lover

What time shall I hug you ?
You who do not stop crying
"Don't mind" does'nt want to say
The reason is because it word will hurt you more
I don't want to do such a thing everytime oh...

The star came from somewhere
But I can see the moon
I am true It is not a lie Do you know why ?
Because the sun has cried
the sun who lighted up the moon cried wow...

I will become the sun till you stop crying
and light up the moon in place of you
You still cry Why don't you laugh ?
I can't win your smile anytime !
I don't know what I must do more than this
I sey "Help"


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