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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [766スレ]
251以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/08/09(月) 23:58:06.32 ID:KD9HU1mzP
*Dio's 69 作詞・カリバネム

D・I・O The Rock! World is Mine
剥き出しのDead Line 越え今 Danger and fine
壊れた脳に箍はない 永久へ発とうが阻まれない 夜明けは遠き我がRaid time Once again once again
今審理のDice roll time この世界は何面体? お前は見下ろすか? or天に見出すか?
意味成すか? 矮小なPoor's sad shout of can't stop
It's bite a every bad thing, It's bite a A to Z
扉叩くBloody hand, 夜に重なるCloudy skies, 暴かれ行くDirty write, お前を待つBlondie guy
今宵分かつGuilty why, 踊り狂うCrazy fly, We alive in the grand fite, so Killing killing time Killing killing time

D・I・O The Rock! World is Mine

誰が為に 赤き火に名を焼いて 如何にして生きるか?
灰にまみれ 凍る血に歯を染め 闇の虫と化すか?
朽ちることも果てることもなく 悠然 響く銃声
お前の術 答えは観えるか? 脆く儚く潰えるか?
Do you wish to let who alive? Is it wish for to him? or, want by yourself?
Are you determining that you plunder?
Now time begins to move, It is not possible to go back any longer

D・I・O The Rock! World is Mine

Please look at this foolish world
Please look at this world by your beautiful eyes,
I want to see there, It is exactly wicked, and my mind, and my wish
and my just so high, and fain, and my love, and greed so sadistic, and all my things

D・I・O The Rock! World is Mine
When all do not become my thing, I do not need anything

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