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作曲できるやつちょっとコワイ [757スレ]
18以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/07/05(月) 22:30:04.33 ID:FhLOBWoHP
*Pinky pinky 作詞279

Pinky pinky
Part of the finger finger
Oh oh lady lady
She holds paper paper

It is every year
It is such a thing
You must know it
But you don't need to know it

Pinky pinky
I got a feeling feeling
Oh oh baby baby
You call me tonight tonight

It is very small
It is wonderful thing
You must know it
But you don't need to know it

Pinky pinky
Part of the finger finger
Oh oh lady lady
She pats the finger finger

Pinky pinky

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