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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [730スレ]
187以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/04/09(金) 19:21:35.97 ID:46xLfSxGP
規制用4スレ735 :名無しさん :2010/04/09(金) 18:53:45 HLdH6Tvc0
*RANK『B』 / fe

Indefinitely I'm member of farm team.
When I was god character, But now, general person.

All of person disliked me.
There is no answer.

It's a nice days invited fat man.
God's saving for him.
Wonderful ability is coming.
So, moved up.

Indefinitely I'm member of farm team.
When I will bad character, But now, changes people.

Fall of season decision me.
There is no answer.

It's a nice days invited fat man.
God's saving for him.
Wonderful ability is coming.
So, moved up.

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