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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [729スレ]
425以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/04/01(木) 20:38:35.17 ID:q0N8E1Tk0
*Under field /あとおとえ

Words on desktop wanna living
The hope is gonna die out in vain
Listen up, never ever told you
Be useless, never ever told me

The fact cruelly stabs our throat on occasion
No one can refuse fear
How will I hide the past to you?
I play something for destroying, but you will see with nice cheat

Asked for it

I don't have will tell a lie
I don't care if you wanna know
Even if the future that wait after breaks

I don't have will tell a fact
I don't care if you wanna know
Sadly, we doesn't know who laugh the fact

No matter what,
No problem, you know?
If only don't sink deep...

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