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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [729スレ]
226以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/03/30(火) 12:08:11.48 ID:XJY3Wcfw0
*Android /あとおとえ

My tear is brown liquid
Flow in my body, from top to tip
My heart is silver solid
Beat in the answer, from west to east

Saw in past the scene that we smile hand in hand
It is notched my plastic eyes
Saw in past the scene that your smile is destroyed
It is notched my plastic brain

Get out in the dust
Memory planned blue planet
with cold sea

a memory is vanishing

Bitten my skin
Hold firmly a hopeless piece
Chewed my head
Home family with hopeless mean

without hope sunlight
shining broken me through cracked window


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