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作曲できるやつこっとちょい [712スレ]
236以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [sage] : 2010/02/15(月) 23:20:39.36 ID:dcLazfTE0
*Dream or True/JSTA

I just feel happy because you're with me
You're the best of woman who I need
so without you means nothing to me

I said for you and you said for me
"I love you and please kiss me"
I can't believe that words gone

I just feel sadly because you left from me
Wherever you go, I'm waiting for you
so without you means nothing to me

Have I just seen dream?
To say good morning. To say hello. To say goodnight.
Your cute face. Your big big smile. Your tears.

I hope that now is dream
so I go to bed imaging you.

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