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作曲できる奴ちょっとぅぅこい [709スレ]
82以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2010/02/05(金) 03:11:12.65 ID:ZfUWIp2Z0
*Seismic surges

I surrendered to my feelings of fear.
Who ever gives me a sleep to forget the fear?
No tear can't suit the action to the word.
No one can't stop this crazy world.
In this hell, there's nothing to ring a bell.
Just I fell, doing nothing but hold fast to a rail.
Unable to keep it so long that I dove into ocean to sail.
Say, No surgeon when I was drifted over seismic surges.
Now, This is me. This is the road which leads to what I am..
Know me, Lord. or if you were not to know me,
The kid you begot bestowed you upon this shit.

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