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作曲できる奴ちょっとぅぅこい [709スレ]
345以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [sage] : 2010/02/08(月) 17:50:05.61 ID:+UE1fFUI0
*Gimme /あとおとえ

My sky had turned black without my knowledge
And dropped the oracle near here
High sky had the soiled black sun with autocrat's son
And dropped the argument near here

I can not make
So wish and wish over and over
For the upcoming day

Strew garbage with hate for you
I'm bad man like a dirty dog
"Stolen dreams are stardust"
You who carry rotten words are above me

The reality

Gimme the save
Gimme the hope
Gimme the perfect answer
'til my cold lip tell the end without sound

Gimme the shine
Gimme the shade
Gimme the explained anthem
'til the black sun swallow me with world


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