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作曲できる奴チョットこい [707スレ]
146以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [sage] : 2010/02/01(月) 12:43:34.34 ID:UjiGICGF0
*Aerofoil /あとおとえ

Up and down
over and over
Will want to arrive at high place last

Up and down
If down is over
Will want to go up to high blue sky

"Your aerofoil is made in thin paper"
"It is all but dead, isn't it?"
They keep on saying
But still I believe it

My aerofoil catch on back the beautiful rainbow
and glisten brightly
My small hope went back on their favorite phrase
and rode on the wind

Rising up
High and high

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