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作曲できるおにーさんちょっと来てくださいっ!!><///// [667スレ]
15以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2009/10/24(土) 22:46:27.90 ID:3EiuC++j0

A Kind of Misfortune. A kind of happiness.
Which did I eat? or not?
Moon shines to the crack of my heart.

I forgot meaning of life in cold night.
Still tomorrow will come.
Surface and sink, it is repeats
as I live in future.

"morning and night"
"weakness that lives"
make fun of
"form window of perplexity"
wave a hand

I want to know meaning to live.
I may be sometimes timid.
I am loved by somebody and loves.
I don't mind even such a meaning.

Cannot forgot it.
If the morning sun is going to rise,
I'll go to a long way some day.

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