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作曲できる奴ちょっと来い [629スレ]
116以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2009/08/10(月) 00:25:30.79 ID:4isTp+DT0

Bringing a suitcase you say
"Put your shits into this"
Tightening a necktie I say
"OK.. That makes me free of this spell, right?"

But nothing has changed.
The world is cynic.

In the train I remember that smell.
Hungry birds poise in the jetblack sky painted with shit.
The underpants cutting into asshole is a default.

Changing roots I get a fantasy
"Tell me what has changed"
Scrathing my asshole I answer
"I've only got the right way to eat grapefruits"

But the smell bursts
and tells us they're shit

In the train I remember that smell.
Hungry birds poise in the jetblack sky painted with shit.
The underpants cutting into asshole is a default.

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