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作曲できる奴ちょっと嫁入り [556スレ]
3避難所から [] : 2009/03/19(木) 17:04:38.12 ID:XZElvTs00
467 名前:名無しさん 投稿日:2009/03/18(水) 12:03:32 [ BtdVJahU0 ]
*Space is you 作詞/尿速5㍑

You were in my mind.
And, you made the space in me.
I came to like that after the moment.

I am incomplete because you are not.
The space is your shape.

Dear my...

The space has extended.
And, it destroyed many,so many...so many...
You will become space in me some time.
It is...

Space has spread out.
And, it swallowed many,so many...so many...
I will become a star in you some time.

Because the space is you.

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