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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい【懐メロ特集】 [448スレ]
219以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2008/11/14(金) 00:32:30.50 ID:u2Lb3rK60
437スレ192さんの*Rolling Back To Youに曲を付けました

http://www36.atwiki.jp/akatonbowiki/pages/11229.html 歌詞
http://vipmusic.vip2ch.com/dl.php?f=music1424.mp3 仮歌
http://vipmusic.vip2ch.com/dl.php?f=music1425.mp3 カラオケ(BPM:130/Key:mid1E-hiC#)

17行目:Understand me, I can't forget the days
   →Understand me, I can't forget those days
24行目:I was such a fool to ever let go of you with doing nothing
   →I was such a fool to let go of you with doing nothing at all

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