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作曲できる奴ちょっときてよぉ・・・ [397スレ]
164以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2008/08/13(水) 00:40:30.46 ID:7EvsJ1KQ0
*Genitals 作詞/おちんこまんこ 英訳/エキサイト翻訳

We have an important thing.
Like the banana and the abalone.
A sexual excitement leads us to the heaven.
Everyone wants to go to the heaven.

To our regret, there is a person who cannot go easily, too.
You are taken to the heaven by my banana.

The melody of the pant voice sounds elegantly.
It is a concert that is more wonderful than any opera.
I want to be for a long time in the wonderful world.
It is the highest event that genitals bring.

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