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お客様の中に作曲できる奴いらしゃいませんか [393スレ]
29以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2008/08/06(水) 18:24:55.16 ID:ehpt+gvc0
http://vipmusic.vip2ch.com/dl.php?f=music0984.mp3 仮歌
http://vipmusic.vip2ch.com/dl.php?f=music0981.mp3 オリジナル音源

*the door

I've been keeping on knocking on every door
to find everything leads to the bottom of your heart

but there are too many doors to touch
and you always dodge and get away from my reach
so I've only got to chase around or search
just like a stupid cat.

You've been looking for the splendid chances
to get the #1 guy who gives you perfect days

but there are too many fascinating ones
and (it's) easy to find out them tiny imitations
so you've only got to escape from anyone
just like a timid rat.

what does all the money meant?
what does the pledge to God meant?
love defeats anything at the end
you must be aware of this providence
I know your door left unlocked
so turn the knob by the hand
this is the time to lay down your arms!

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