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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [328スレ]
87以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2008/05/06(火) 21:37:57.65 ID:zbt8S5l6O

In spring
Cherry blossoms flutter in the sky in my presence.
In summer
The sunbeam scorches your and my skin.
In autumn
You and I dispute the fact as from the novel.
In winter
Moreover, I wished it was so to the star next year.

I thought that it is because you were all in the next so momentarily.
Because your laughter now and I also were laughing.
If it is very the same hereafter
Moreover, I thought that it was able to taste this feelings.

The small world arose between the palm and the palm when I received
the hand that you held out.
It like fruits was still blue, small, and I expected its growth in
the future.

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