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作曲できるやつちょっと来なさいよぉ(魚釣り編) [241スレ]
310以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2007/12/15(土) 01:47:50.89 ID:ZG4rqH+p0


Please tell me for as endless.
Please ask me for as endness.
I got to your sentences the movement of the mind.
Therefore the conversation is endless.

When you smile, I will smile.
When you cry, I will cry.
I got to your sentences the movement of the mind.
Therefore the conversation is endless.

In front of a return, a house.
At the time of slight call.
In the morning that I greeted together.
The conversation is endless, time after time.

In front of a return, a house.
At the time of slight call.
In the morning that I greeted together.
The conversation is endless, time after time.

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