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それでも作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [231スレ]
154以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2007/11/21(水) 04:17:49.84 ID:O+9B6I6D0
*cry of a neet(とあるニートの叫び)

not long ago, did we dream our future
not so long ago, did we cry for frustration

blessed days have gone in the past
now we flee from own destruction
my spoiled life will not end here
hopeless cry, useless words
now... what holds me back?

reality is so cruel, dreaming is always sweet.
run away, run way, run away...

came too far, what's in my back
piled scrap time of emptiness
waited for liberation, never achieved
so long I didn't realize...

came too far but never be late.
cast a die now, take a path

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