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作曲こい [221スレ]
12以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2007/11/14(水) 00:34:53.53 ID:CkTIOl820


There are Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Ginza.
The building is high. The person gathers if they are heard Tokyo.
It was thought that it was a paradise. However, it differed.

The tune suddenly occur to me
In the morning hour. Yesterday's.
Request seems to have been admitted.
Hometown. It misses it.

By what method did you come here?
The more I thinks, the more mysterious.
Radio echoes in the car.
The switch is turned off, and it goes out at high speed.

There are Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Ginza in Tokyo.
The building is high. The person gathers if they are heard TOKYO.
It was thought that it was a paradise. However, it differed.

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