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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [177スレ]
31以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2007/09/30(日) 14:17:08.19 ID:RrBzetkw0

*Perfect day   作詞:quicksilver

Sunny shiny morning,
before a skylark starts to tweet,
wash and wipe and clean a car
take a trip with my guitar

Honey funny smile,
lunch in a basket is ready to eat,
jump and jive and winding road
makes you get more excited.

How do you feel?
No hasitation will avail.
with my happy-go-lucky style of life, some people are discontent.
What's the big deal?
Radio is getting ideal.
Today is the day to rise together with the ascending current.

Have a good time in a perfect day.
There is no time to let you down.
Over and over, reach for the blaze of the midday sun.
If the next word is on the tip of tongue,
never mind and never stop this song.
Again and again, I'll sing for you with the ordinary words.

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