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作曲出来るやつちょっと来い。 [170スレ]
60以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2007/09/23(日) 00:54:07.11 ID:oFAT/CaO0

*DoDoDo! /しょたきのこ

Eiya! Shock, kick, shut! Will I take again?
So still you must show your Ollie.
Pick the key, and Don't forget it, or you may lose yourself.

Wait, step, break! If I were what you're
on watching out I could be willing to sail.
Dividing your own world, yet avail yourself and wait on.

"leave me alone" such a phrase have you spent a lot.
Handle a vehicle, and decide in a direction.
Open your heart, release.

Raise your face at a deep blue sky.
little remained for you to do
So at once do it. and do, do!
Raise your face,and can see vast land.
a lot you've got ever in this world
So at once by it, do and do!

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