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作曲できる奴ちょっとこい [166スレ]
43以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2007/09/19(水) 20:42:50.49 ID:yfdfJ+gk0

793 :名無しさん:2007/09/19(水) 02:39:17 ID:4OGMEoXU
165スレ206のSingle colorです。

*Single color  作詞:つなぐ氏(一部改変箇所あり)
Does this world head for a good direction?
Does this world head for a bad direction?

What should we sing?
How should we sing?
Now should we sing a song?

Still, the sky is blue.
Still, the sea is blue.
Therefore, we are blue.
Still, the wind is blue.
Still, the earth is blue.
Therefore, we are blue.

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