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作詞作曲動画出来るやつちょっと来い [146スレ]
166以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2007/09/02(日) 01:56:50.12 ID:JWh4GdkH0
*mirror forest /あとおとえ

Will you look in a mirror a little?
What does your face look like?
Surely it is black and is vain.
And you think that you see oneself coolly.

For example, it is assumed that there is a dead tree there.
On earth what does he want? rain or soil or sun?
What do you give to him?
But your record will be surely given blow by him.

In the step, which ray, a tree and tree and tree.
You will not want to repeat, only the catastrophe of the jade.

All washed away by the rain which continued to fall.
The dead tree was stained. In merely "rain color".
"I cannot think a lie to be a lie."
Therefore you are only a free.
Therefore there merely has only death.

OK, walk it to the next day.

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