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作詞・作曲・歌できる奴ちょっとこい [111スレ]
26以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2007/07/16(月) 23:57:14.49 ID:T/RQxnsZ0

What the right hand do you want to obtain?
If it is wealth
I sting you now.
If it is honored
I push you down now.
If it is love
I give you the bouquet now.

What does the left hand destroy?
If it is a dream
The person in by the side is killed.
If it is empty
The person in by the side is made to die.
If it is a fight
Let's give the bouquet also to the person in by the side.

You do not have nothing as for the unknown thing that need not be
feared any longer at all.

What does your hand spin?
What does your hand put out?

The answer : even though is in the dark.
The person in by the side : quietly.
It is likely to admonish.

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