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【まだまだ】作曲できる奴ちょっと来い【続きます】 [101スレ]
187以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2007/07/02(月) 22:05:04.24 ID:z+Dx63uiO
*Hello good day/あくし

The sun glares down from morning.
How Spirit, I watched the thought sky.
Dazzling light causes me so as to be blinded.

Let's go for a drive to the neighborhood of the sea.
Surely I think that the sea is clean very much.

S)I like your smile to shine in light in summer.
I want to see you early.
I like your smile to shine in light in summer.
I want to see you early.

Hello good day.

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