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作曲できるやつちょっときやんせ [64スレ]
30以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。 [] : 2007/05/04(金) 02:40:51.46 ID:IB2gtWgg0
*Stardust World 作詞λ

You catches up me
But, it takes time

Time's stopping
Not possible to move

The stopped knives sounds the alarm
The cat that stopped begins to move
The knives are flying in me
I poor who cheats and lives

You caught up with me.
However, it was unexpected

Not hear his voice
Dazzling daybreak comes

The stopped knives sounds the alarm
The cat that stopped begins to move
The knives are flying in me
I poor who cheats and lives

Neither the method nor the process are related.
Victory is the most important

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