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作曲できるやつちょっとこい [23スレ]
173以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] : 2006/12/08(金) 08:17:10.32 ID:WKv6j1Pb0



Stand again. Face up. I don't want to die today.
Every moments makes my future and now.

Spark again. Makes up. I must live for my day.
Every morning I'm gonna singing with wind and sun.

Open my eyes. Open my heart.
And sing a song from the bottom of my heart.
I can sing nobody knows song.
Let's find my song.

Sing my mind. Sing my love.
And find a song from the bottom of my heart.
I can tell you nobody knows song.
Let's sing along with me.
Our song.

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